
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Health Information : the risk of hypertension

Health Information : the risk of hypertension - Hypertension is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure rises above normal blood pressure agreed.
Hypertension is a major factor in deaths from stroke and factors that aggravate myocardial infarction (heart attack). That condition is the most common disorder in blood pressure. Hiper an asymptomatic disorder that often occurs with increased blood pressure in adult hypertensive persisten.diagnosa made while diastolic reading an average of two or more, at least two subsequent visits is 90mmHg or higher or when multiple systolic blood pressure an average of two or over the next visit were consistently higher than 140mmHg. (Potter & Perry, 2005).In America or around 60 million people and nearly 1 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension, with the majority of the population are at high risk for getting cardiovascular complications. Data obtained from the Framingham Heart Study stated that the prevalence of hypertension remains to be done to increase despite early detection with measurements of blood pressure (BP) on a regular basis. (Joint National Committee, JNC VII). In Indonesia, the number of people with hypertension estimated 15 million people but only 4% of which is controlled hypertension. The prevalence of 6-15% in adults, 50% of them are not aware of the hypertensive patients so they tend to be severe hypertension because not avoid and do not know the risk factors, and 90% is the esensial.Saat hypertension and cardiovascular disease is a degenerative one public health problem in Indonesia. Results Household Health Survey (Survey) 1972, 1986, and 1992 showed an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease as a cause of death striking and since 1993 is suspected as the cause of death. The disease is caused by various risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, disiplidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, advanced age and family history. From the above risk factors are very closely related to nutrition are hypertension, obesity, displidemia, and diabetes mellitus . Medical record samarinda Hospital 2011 said, Today, infectious diseases has shift by degenerative diseases. It gives particular attention to the health of nursing personnel to improve knowledge indeed against degenerative diseases, hypertension is a disease that many people experienced in recent years. Based on the data in a particular disease treatment at jabal rahmah hospital room  samarinda during the last six months of 2011.  

Hypertension ranks first, ie 190 cases, the number of male patients 88 men and 102 women.Based on the cause of hypertension can be divided into two groups, primary hypertension and sekunder hypertension . Hipertensi covering approximately 90% of all patients with hypertension and 10% are caused by caused by secondary hypertension. Only 50% of the class of secondary hypertension can be in the know the cause and of this group only a few percent of that can be fixed disorder. Therefore efforts to treat  primary hypertension and the pathogenesis of both about it treatments.. Hypertension should not be considered a mild disease because if too late to give this disease will aid claimed the lives of patients. Nowadays a lot of people with hypertension who do not know / do not understand his illness and even many who do not know the risk of hypertensive patients if not solved. Some complications of the disease is often caused by hypertension that is not quickly solved stroke, insomnia, fertigo.Given the range of problems that can happen to people with hypertension, the authors describe a case study in hypertensive patients through the nursing process. So it can help medical practitioners in cases of hypertension, which is expected later can be useful for the whole community as well as those with hypertension.

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