Circumcision, one of the alternatives to prevent HIV disease
Since the 19th century, many health professionals who believe that circumcision can maintain cleanliness and hygiene penis better than men who are not circumcised. As a result of circumcision has been done to the boys, and become a widespread practice in Europe and America. In the United States as many as 1.2 million baby boys circumcised each year. Decision making circumcision varies from religious beliefs to preventive measures to maintain personal health.
Unlike in Indonesia, the process of circumcision in America performed on male babies newborn (newborn), usually in the first 10 days of life. It is based on findings by the Academy of Pediatrics for release stating that the colonies of bacteria that grow and develop in the outer skin of the penis or foreskin in the first 6 months of life to be a factor increasing the risk of urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection (UTI). The bacterial colony will lose its charge after 6 months of age, it can occur because the foreskin can be pulled back with age. Two to 10% incidence of UTI was found in the first 6 months of age and the most significant cases in the amount of 21% occurred in the first month of life. On the other hand the process of healing after circumcision is also related to age. In infants, circumcision healing process takes a relatively short time is for 7-10 days, whereas in children and adult men the healing process takes longer time is 3-6 weeks.
Circumcision has many medical benefits for the body, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also claim the benefits worth the risks and trauma. Surely this is a natural thing, if judging from his early age when infants undergoing circumcision surgery. Of a comprehensive study known that babies will experience trauma and deep pain even some babies who do not cry when circumcision takes place because of the shock trumatis time of surgery.Here are some of the benefits of circumcision for the body:
based research in Oxford Journal of The National Cancer Institute by Christopher Maden et al, circumcision can reduce the risk of penile cancer in men, although the disease is rare. Growth of squamous cell carcinoma of the penis is increased 3.4-fold greater in men who were never circumcised and 3-fold in boys circumcised after the neonatal period. Many cases of penile cancer that develops in the foreskin. The main risk factors associated with phimosis and poor genital hygiene.
As described earlier, circumcision can reduce the risk of urinary tract infection (urinary tract infections / UTIs). Based on studies conducted by D Singh Grewal and published in the British Medical Journal, the risk of infection can be increased 10 times greater in men who were uncircumcised compared with circumcised men. Although these infections are more prevalent in infants 6 months of age, but did not rule out the possibility of infection may occur in subsequent years. Approximately 4% of boys had experienced at least one UTI before the age of 16 years. In the case of recurrent UTIs, circumcision procedure is highly recommended because it can have devastating effects on the kidneys.
Circumcision also reduces the risk of phimosis and paraphimosis. Phimosis is a condition in which the outer shell of the penis can not be pulled rearward to unlock all the penis head. While paraphimosis is the opposite, where the skin of the penis that has attracted backward restrained and can not be returned to its original position. Paraphimosis may cause swelling or edema around the penis to stop the blood supply.
The next benefit is circumcision prevents sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and reduce the risk of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human papilloma virus (HPV). Based on a review article by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) from 28 international studies throughout the 2000s, concluded that male circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection by 44%. This figure increased to 71%, especially in high-risk groups vulnerable to HIV infection. Three clinical studies conducted in Africa, the continent with the prevalence of HIV / AIDS is high, circumcision shown to reduce the incidence or new cases of HIV-infected patients by 60% in South Africa, 51% in Uganda and 53% in Kenya.
Of the many studies that have been conducted relating to the benefits of circumcision in reducing the risk of HIV infection, researchers have not been able to explain the mechanisms of medical and biological relationships of the two factors. Recent research new diliris by the American Society for Microbiology in April 2013 stating that the colonies of microbes that live and thrive in the foreskin of the penis may affect the body's defense against infection.
Lance Price, a researcher at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) conducted an experiment to a group of Ugandan men with genetic analysis of the microbes that live inside the penis. Monitored the study (follow-up) for one year to compare the conditions and types of microbes before and after the circumcision procedure done.
Initial examination before circumcision showed similar characteristics in the two groups of microbes circumcised men or not, after 12 months of circumcised men demonstrated the ability to suppress the growth of microbes that can live in conditions of low oxygen (anaerobic) of 81% was accompanied by an increase in bacterial aerobic.
The high number of anaerobic bacteria in men who are not circumcised may activate Langerhans cells in the foreskin of the penis contained, preventing them to perform their normal role in killing virus entry. The activation of these cells help the HIV virus to infect immune system.Lance Price said that this change brings a big impact. From an ecological perspective, cutting the foreskin like changing an ecosystem, in which we can increase the amount of oxygen and reducing humidity.
This study can be used as an initial step in the analysis is to unveil the more distant the relationship of circumcision with HIV infection, of course, must be supported by additional studies are more comprehensive.
Price insists that if we have found characteristics of anaerobic bacteria in the penis which increases the risk of HIV, then at least we have found other alternatives to be able to lower the amount.
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