
Friday, 30 August 2013

The power of Ganoderma Lucidum : Secrets To Various Diseases Problems

Ganoderma lucidum or known as " Gano " is a type of fungus known in China as Ling Zhi , Reishi in Japan is called . Ganoderma included in group Polyporaceae , family Mushroom - Reishi and some compounds in it are also present in other fungi . Ganoderma grows in warm and humid environments at temperatures between 26 centigrade - 27 centigrade , therefore Ganoderma grown with jungle - lush forests in the Asia Regions .

The power of Ganoderma Lucidum : Secrets To Various Diseases Problems - In the history of Chinese and Japanese medicine , Ganoderma has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of chronic disease / degenerative with satisfactory results , while also balancing the whole ( 9 ) organ system in the body that menjuruskan optimal health and thorough . Prevention and health care as a whole , including antivirus and anti cancer a bright future . Ganoderma lucidum helps regulate metabolism and body parts in order to function optimally .

Benefits and Usefulness

    Regulate and protect the immune system and block the viral infection .
    Protect and prevent tumor - cancer .
    Protect and strengthen the liver from various toxins that damage , as well as the stabilizing function of neutralizing toxins ( detoxification ) .
    Restore heart disease .
    Protect and prevent the heart from various diseases .
    Slow down the aging process .
    Overcoming insomnia .
    Reduce the risk of high blood pressure .
    Treating diabetes ( diabetes mellitus ) .
    Restoring airway inflammatory disease ( chronic bronchitis and asthma ) .
    Overcoming fatigue .
    Also used as a cosmetic ingredient to resolve various skin disorders .


Ganoderma is intended for the treatment of cancer because it has the ability to cleanse the body of various toxins ( detosifikasi ) and help improve and strengthen the immune system / general body immunity . Helps the liver to neutralize the various toxins that it is the duty of care , it does not directly increase the ability of the liver by way of strengthening and repair damage liver cells where it becomes important for most patients with liver cancer and other cancers as well .

    Anti - cancer compound which is a compound shown by Ganoderma Polysaccharide and Germanium oxide . Polysaccharide fraction of Gano compounds have a major impact on anti-cancer  .

    Ganoderma can be used as a health food / supplement , for the treatment of cancer using chemotherapy ( using drugs ) or radiation therapy ( using x-rays ) in order to reduce the risks of side effects of the treatment such as fatigue , loss of appetite , hair loss , suppression of the activity of various bone marrow as well as increased risk of developing infections .

    In many cases the terminal ( end-stage cancer ) Gano able to extend life expectancy and improve their quality of life .

Ganoderma way to face cancer as follows :

    Improve and help regulate the endocrine system ( hormone -producing ) as well as immune cells to inhibit the onset of cancer , in connection with the release of free radicals that are harmful to health .
    Inhibit the formation of DNA ( formation factor ) of cancer cells , damaging enzyme activity of cancer cells and on the other hand stimulate and increase the presence / formation of the body's normal cells as well as activate cell eater driven by T cells and B lymphocytes , which allows you to restrict the spread and the growth of cancer cells .

    Lowering toxic effects , side effects and reduce the risk of pain during administration of anti- cancer drugs ( chemotherapy ) and radiation treatment or during performed ( using x-rays ) .
    Improve the ability of detoxification ( cleansing the body of toxins ) the liver , by increasing the function of the liver cells and stimulate repair damaged liver cells .

    Helps eliminate the buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity due to dams in the liver ( ascites ) , increased appetite and reduce severe pain in advanced cancer .
    Gano effectively granted even patients with kidney disease .

Alzheimer disease

Brain degeneration is a disease that affects parts of the brain cells . This disease will result in reduced ability of the brain regulate movement , reasoning ability and one's memory . Various studies have shown that there is no one way of treatment that can cure , if there might only slow down the disease for 40 weeks around the time of his misery . The discovery of the disease based on the discovery of the accumulation of amyloid B - peptide ( causes inflammation ) is part of the nerve cell degeneration instructions . It is also one of the causes ( provisional estimates ) the overuse of anti- inflammatory corticosteroid drugs .

From 3-4 century relic report ( Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing 1 issue , circa 456-536 ) mentioned that Ganoderma lucidum has anti-inflammatory effects . Experiments conducted on mice that were given Gano , evidence shows that these properties really exist . With this basis and then conducted a series of studies to prove " that the presumption of inflammation in the elderly brain that lead to dementia can be overcome " .

Heart Disease

" Aspirin " has been found and used , is a compound that may reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease . Aspirin has anti- inflammatory properties that could be linked to heart defect that occurs due to inflammation . The foregoing is based on the discovery of increased levels of C - reactive protein in the blood plasma that trigger inflammatory processes and vascular system of the heart .

Ganoderma lucidum research on the issue , suggesting that the ability to limit Gano elevated levels of C- reactive protein , indirectly lower the risk of heart problems . The study shows that " Aspirin can be safely replaced by Gano who have side effects that impact is much smaller and more secure in the long -term use " . It has been promoted also by " the Ganoderma International Research Institute " in New York , USA in 1993.

Research on Anti- Inflammatory various

Tests on mice conducted by Stavinovah et al . (1991 , 1996) concluded that Ganoderma lucidum is a potent anti- inflammatory compounds .
Gano active ingredients consisting of carrageenan , croton oil and ethyl acetate extract all of which are anti- inflammatory . The extracted compounds that have anti-inflammatory efficacy equivalent to hydrocortisone , but showed no side effects as shown corticosteroid compounds in general . Besides it does not interfere with the stomach like drugs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as aspirin group .

Gano is a fairly strong anti- inflammatory , without side effects even if taken long term , and is guaranteed to be a deterrent pain caused by a variety of inflammation . Anti- inflammatory effect which is owned Gano also established itself as one of the alternative medicine healer various joint pain caused by inflammation .

An ecological study conducted along the Savannah River in the state of South Carolina by Chen et al (1993 ) have identified Gaonderma as a form spores which converges on oak wood . Furthermore Chenard Hu (1994 ) reported that the discovery of three important parts of monokaryon , fruit and root weight , which then presented the findings at Organotech of San Antonio , United States .

Chang in the same year (1994 ) at the Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center reported that the use of Ganoderma should be further investigated , given that : Gano use in the treatment of cancer can be addressed to :

    Lowers the risk of side effects of treatment with anti- cancer drugs and radiation .
    Extend the lives of cancer patients , and inhibit the spread of cancer cells .
    Improve the quality of life of cancer patients and
    Prevent the possibility of recurrence of cancer .

Chang et al ( 1993 ) in his research is enough to attract attention , revealing the magnitude of Gano doses based on data that later became the basis for calculating the recommended dosage needs that need to be taken as follows :

    Ganoderma dry leaf 0.5 g - 1 g per day for health maintenance and disease prevention .
    2 g - 5 g per day if found fatigue , stress or autoimmune disease other chronic diseases .
    5 grams - 10 grams per day for the treatment of severe diseases .

Results rather than attention to the benefits of this Gano then began studies in the United States , particularly its benefits against Alzheimer's disease is said to be the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and also a variety of benefits Gano against various heart diseases are also the leading cause of death for 2 there . The results yielded some opinion on , and it opens new horizons in the knowledge of western medicine in particular , where Gano expressed as :

    Abatement of dementia in the elderly .
    Is an anti - inflammatory that is safe and quite meaningful .
    Arthritis is a trigger of Alzheimer's disease .
    Onset Alzheimer's is thought to result from long-term use of nonsteroidal anti inflammatory type of corticosteroid .

Disease Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome ( AIDS )

    Reported for the first time in 1981 , and has spread widely throughout the world .
    At the end of 1996 , WHO noted that the number of AIDS by about 11 million cases .
    In addition please note that at least 23 billion people will live together with people - AIDS cases , and that means that it will also live with the HIV virus that causes AIDS . At least 92.6 % came from developing countries such as Africa , Asia and Latin America .

    AIDS causes the decline and destruction of the immune system - the body's immunity ( CD4 and T - lmphosit ) will follow the infection of various other germs without limits .
    The virus that causes AIDS is a retrovirus of class . Surely the medicine that is needed is a drug " Antiretrovirals " .

Gano content of which consists of :

    Terpenoids .
    Polysaccharide compounds ( including beta - D - glucan )
    Various other complex proteins .

Has a lot of services to respond to the AIDS virus . Beta - D - glucan and protein complexes such as an immuno - modulator which also plays an important role when studying Gano against cancer cases .
In Thailand , Lingzhi or Gano is a traditional remedy that has been used extensively for a variety of cases of illness and HIV - AIDS , as well as other antiretroviral drugs . Gano provision is intended to allow the patient to return back endurance immunity , at least prolong life expectancy .

One study duration of 12 weeks to 10 cases of AIDS in Thailand using Lingzhi extract showed an increase in the immune system that was driven by the content of beta - D - glucan , and beta - D - glucan peptide . This brings a breath of fresh air that gives positive hope in the future , to treat people with AIDS .
Methanolic extract of Ganoderma lucidum has also been studied and have no effect on human white blood cells , in this case is able to stabilize the production of white blood cells as an immune system activator / human immune .

How to use

Ganoderma is extracted by Diamond Interest can be taken long term , even for some chronic disease or degenerative illnesses , plus Gano expected to be consumed in the long run to get a healing effect .
Usual starting dose is given between 1-2 times daily 1 capsule , after 2-3 weeks following the dose can be increased up to 3 times a day 1-2 capsules depending on your needs and the severity of disease .
Ganoderma is not unusual given to children under 5 years of age except in certain cases such as leukemia .

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