
Monday, 14 October 2013

Want to Avoid from Cancer and Osteoarthritis? Expand to Eat Broccoli

health information
Want to Avoid from Cancer and Osteoarthritis? Expand to Eat Broccoli - Broccoli and other vegetables in the Brassicaceae family such as cabbage , cauliflower , cabbage , bok choy is rich in various minerals and essential vitamins . In addition , they also have long been recognized as an anticancer vegetables . A review study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association October 1996 edition shows that 70 % or more studies found an association between these vegetables with protection against cancer . Various elements in vegetables is associated with a lower risk of cancer , some of which can stop the growth of cancer cells in breast , uterine lining ( endometrium ) , lung , colon , liver , prostate and cervix .

Laboratory studies show that one of the phytochemicals found in vegetables it is sulforaphane , which can stimulate enzymes that neutralize carcinogens before they can damage cells .

Recent research in the UK shows that sulfarophane may also help overcome osteoarthritis by blocking certain enzymes associated with cell damage and degeneration of the joint cartilage . A study led by Ian Clark , professor of musculoskeletal biology at the University of East Anglia in Norwich , showed that mice fed a diet rich in sulforaphane less cartilage damage and osteoarthritis compared with rats with diet does not contain the compound . The results were published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism 28 Aug. 2013 edition .

Future studies will be conducted in humans with osteoarthritis trial on 40 patients who will undergo joint replacement surgery . During the two weeks before surgery , half of them will be eating " super broccoli " developed specifically so that high levels of sulforaphane . After surgery , the team will compare patients who take " super broccoli " with those who do not to see if the compound can be detected in joints replaced , and how he changed the metabolism of the joints . They hope the results will be able to attract funding for a larger trial of the effects of broccoli consumption in osteoarthritis and joint function .

Well , if you want to avoid cancer and osteoarthritis , it seems now need to immediately begin increasing their intake of broccoli , cabbage , cauliflower and the like in your diet . The vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly steamed to retain the phytochemicals contained in it .

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