Health information : Liver cancer
Health information : Liver cancer - The definition of liver cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the liver, including primary and metastatic liver cancers. Liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumor found in clinical, based on the results of the latest survey, in the world each year there are 60,000 new patients liver cancer, liver cancer incidence is on the order of six from a list of all cancer incidence, mortality rate is on the order three.
Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and the East Asian countries-and the surrounding southeast Asia are the regions of the highest incidence of liver cancer, liver cancer patient is in middle age and older, between the ages of 50-60 are infected with liver cancer prone age. In general, male liver cancer patients is 7-10 times higher than female liver cancer patients. Its worth is in line with the development thankful for medical technology, now has available a variety of treatment methods that are useful, thus giving liver cancer patients get new hope.
Until now, the direct cause of liver cancer is still unclear, but certainly related to the following factors:
1. Chronic hepatitis: Hepatitis associated with the pathogenesis of liver cancer, the data show that more than 30% of liver cancer patients had a history of chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B is the most common.
2. Cirrhosis of the liver: Medical Observations indicate that about 50% - 90% of cancer patients undergo liver cirrhosis are different, therefore cirrhotic patients should seek treatment immediately and conduct periodic inspections, in order to anticipate the occurrence of liver cancer.
3. Consuming contaminated water in the long term.
4. Eating moldy food in the long run.
5. Consuming foods marinated, fried, smoked in the long run.
Other than that, parasitic diseases (especially those intended is a parasitic liver disease), many long-term alcohol consumption, environmental pollution and so is also the factor that causes liver cancer.
Symptoms of liver cancer that occurs is:
1. Significantly decreased appetite, abdominal bloating, bad digestion, sometimes nausea, vomiting.
2. Right upper abdominal pain, pain that persists appearing or intermittent in the area of the liver, sometimes changing the position of the body then the pain increased;
3.Badan weak, thin, otherwise unexplained fever and edema;
4.Muncul jaundice, ascites, skin itching and other symptoms;
5.Sering nosebleeds, bleeding of the subcutaneous.
Liver cancer occurrence tends hidden, at an early stage are generally not encountered any symptoms, but when symptoms appear certain, has entered the stage of liver cancer and advanced medium, when it is usually the patient has lost the opportunity to have the surgery, therefore a general medical check-up very important to do.
So far the international level are still not standardized liver cancer staging division, apply division USA TNM stage, T denotes the size of the tumor, N indicates lymph node metastases, M indicates presence or absence of metastases in other organs, are described in more detail later about 3 marker the.
Indicates the size of T1 tumors smaller than 2cm, still have not found the blood and metastases to lymph nodes.
T2 Indicates that despite not reaching 2cm tumor size, but the tumor has invaded nearby blood vessels or there are two lumps bersarnya tumors smaller than 2cm, but not the invasion of blood vessels; tumor size greater than 2 cm, but not invasion blood vessels are also included in kategoriini.
Indicates T3 tumor size more than 2 cm, has been the invasion of blood vessels or at the moment there are a few small lumps are tumors no more than 2cm in diameter, but has been the invasion of blood vessels or there is a lump or tumor measuring more than 2cm.
Indicates that there is a T4 tumors on both lobes of the liver or the tumor has invaded the portal vein.
N0 Indicates that there is no lymph node metastases, N1 indicates the existence of metastases.
M0 Indicates that there is no remote metastases, M1 indicates the distance metastases.
Stage I: T1N0M0 patients included in satidum I, the initial stage.
Stage II: T2N0M0 patients included in stage II.
Stage III: Patients T1N1M0, T2N1M0, T3N1M0 included in stage III.
Stage IVa: Patients T4M0, no remote metastases.
Stage IVb: Patients T4M1, remote metastases have occurred.
Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and the East Asian countries-and the surrounding southeast Asia are the regions of the highest incidence of liver cancer, liver cancer patient is in middle age and older, between the ages of 50-60 are infected with liver cancer prone age. In general, male liver cancer patients is 7-10 times higher than female liver cancer patients. Its worth is in line with the development thankful for medical technology, now has available a variety of treatment methods that are useful, thus giving liver cancer patients get new hope.
Until now, the direct cause of liver cancer is still unclear, but certainly related to the following factors:
1. Chronic hepatitis: Hepatitis associated with the pathogenesis of liver cancer, the data show that more than 30% of liver cancer patients had a history of chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B is the most common.
2. Cirrhosis of the liver: Medical Observations indicate that about 50% - 90% of cancer patients undergo liver cirrhosis are different, therefore cirrhotic patients should seek treatment immediately and conduct periodic inspections, in order to anticipate the occurrence of liver cancer.
3. Consuming contaminated water in the long term.
4. Eating moldy food in the long run.
5. Consuming foods marinated, fried, smoked in the long run.
Other than that, parasitic diseases (especially those intended is a parasitic liver disease), many long-term alcohol consumption, environmental pollution and so is also the factor that causes liver cancer.
Symptoms of liver cancer that occurs is:
1. Significantly decreased appetite, abdominal bloating, bad digestion, sometimes nausea, vomiting.
2. Right upper abdominal pain, pain that persists appearing or intermittent in the area of the liver, sometimes changing the position of the body then the pain increased;
3.Badan weak, thin, otherwise unexplained fever and edema;
4.Muncul jaundice, ascites, skin itching and other symptoms;
5.Sering nosebleeds, bleeding of the subcutaneous.
Liver cancer occurrence tends hidden, at an early stage are generally not encountered any symptoms, but when symptoms appear certain, has entered the stage of liver cancer and advanced medium, when it is usually the patient has lost the opportunity to have the surgery, therefore a general medical check-up very important to do.
So far the international level are still not standardized liver cancer staging division, apply division USA TNM stage, T denotes the size of the tumor, N indicates lymph node metastases, M indicates presence or absence of metastases in other organs, are described in more detail later about 3 marker the.
Indicates the size of T1 tumors smaller than 2cm, still have not found the blood and metastases to lymph nodes.
T2 Indicates that despite not reaching 2cm tumor size, but the tumor has invaded nearby blood vessels or there are two lumps bersarnya tumors smaller than 2cm, but not the invasion of blood vessels; tumor size greater than 2 cm, but not invasion blood vessels are also included in kategoriini.
Indicates T3 tumor size more than 2 cm, has been the invasion of blood vessels or at the moment there are a few small lumps are tumors no more than 2cm in diameter, but has been the invasion of blood vessels or there is a lump or tumor measuring more than 2cm.
Indicates that there is a T4 tumors on both lobes of the liver or the tumor has invaded the portal vein.
N0 Indicates that there is no lymph node metastases, N1 indicates the existence of metastases.
M0 Indicates that there is no remote metastases, M1 indicates the distance metastases.
Stage I: T1N0M0 patients included in satidum I, the initial stage.
Stage II: T2N0M0 patients included in stage II.
Stage III: Patients T1N1M0, T2N1M0, T3N1M0 included in stage III.
Stage IVa: Patients T4M0, no remote metastases.
Stage IVb: Patients T4M1, remote metastases have occurred.
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