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Passionfruit : Cure Many Kinds of Diseases

Passionfruit : Cure Many Kinds of Diseases - Peoples generally recognizes two types of passion fruit, passion fruit that grows in the lowlands and the yellow passion fruit that grows in the highlands of the color purple. There is also the so-called sweet passion fruit that grows in western Sumatra.

Vines in the genus Passiflora entry from South America there is a saying of Brazil have also said coming from Paraguay. Passion fruit plants need fertile soil and enough moisture to grow well. There are more than five hundred kinds of passion but being grown is a type of passion fruit purple and yellow passion fruit.

Passion fruit has an oval shape with diametres about 4-8 centimeters, his skin a bit hard as mangosteen peel premises weigh about 35-50 grams.

Yellow passion fruit is generally greater than the purple variety purple passion fruit but not so sour, taste and aroma are richer and have more meat.

Passion fruit delicious eaten fresh but mostly flesh preserved by cooling or heating. Because the fruit is quite sour taste usually passion fruit extract plus a wide range of materials such as sugar or other mixtures. Processed products such as passion fruit sherbet, passion fruit juice, squash, jelly, ice cream, nentar, concentrate and jam.

Passion for health benefits is quite diverse, not only fruit, but the leaves also have utilized the benefits.

Benefits of passion fruit
Although the traditional treatment of food has a weakness in the determination of an effective dose, but it never hurts to try. Passion fruit has a delicious taste and can be processed into a variety of food, so we can enjoy it as well as the health benefits that have this in it.

Passion fruit recorded can relieve pain, overcome headache, dry throat, good for those who suffer from chronic fatigue, anti-seizure, help cure colitis, insomniam constipation, diarrhea, anemia, launched ation, boost immunity, protect the body from diseases caused by free radicals and restore the condition of the body in the healing period.

Passion fruit is a good source of vitamins C and A. Fresh passion fruit also contains many postassium, potassium is a component of cell and body fluids that are important in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate.

Passion fruit also contains several minerals needed by the body in sufficient quantities such as iron, phosphorus, copper, and magnesium.

Benefits passion fruit leaves
Passion fruit leaves contain alkaloids which can lower blood pressure. In some countries, passionfruit leaf extract is used as a traditional medicine to overcome nervous diseases (anxiety) and nervous (nervouseness).

Besides the leaves also contain natural antioxidants that polyphenols. In the study conducted by University of Florida researchers concluded that leaf passion fruit (passion fruit) can kill cancer cells in vitro. Substance that can act as an anti-cancer such as polyphenols and carotenoids.

Traditionally leaves of passion fruit is also used to treat insomnia, diarrhea, dysentery, bronchial asthma, and menopause problems.


  1. this is very interesting. I recommend Markizza Passion Fruit Juice that I found on Amazon, the taste is just perfect!
