Health information : Pneumonia
Health information : Pneumonia - Pneumonia is often called wet lung diseases including dangerous. Strengthen the body with balanced nutrition and protecting the environment is the best step to avoid it.the lungs always wet because wetted by blood. According to its function, lungs is where O2 exchange with CO2 by hemoglobin within the red blood sel2. Therefore, it is reasonable if paru2 always wet, and there is never a dry lungs, unless of course the dead.
In medicine, the term unknown pneumonia. The adapneumonia, which is an infection that causes inflamed lungs. Air pockets in the lungs (alveoli) filled with pus and fluid, so the ability to absorb oxygen berkurang.penyakit is caused by about 30 different sources of infection. However, the main cause is bacterial, viral, mikroplasma, mushrooms, various chemical compounds, and partikel.Meski cases of pneumonia caused by bacteria is not too much, this type of infection tends to cause more severe than those caused by nonbakteri. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV respiratory viruses or syncitial), painfluenzae, influenzae, and adenovirus are the most frequent cause of pneumonia.
Wet lung disease or pneumonia or acute pneumonia and can be fatal if left unchecked. Pneumonia can also occur due to aspiration of gastric contents, water or other irritation.
Generally lower respiratory tract viral infections take place during the winter or rainy. And RSV is the most common cause of pneumonia, especially in infants.
Pneumonia arises because inhaled germs nose and mouth. When the environment around there are people or children who are infected, the risk of acquiring very large, especially when the immune system are not baik.Gara-fulfilling because of pus and fluid lungs, oxygen was reduced in cells to the body and can not work. As a result, in addition to the spread of infection throughout the body, the patient can die.
Symptoms often occur in pneumonia are:
Cough is initially dry and sore, but then produces sputum (phlegm) thick mixed with pneumonia darah.Diagnosis apart from signs and symptoms can also be through a chest x-ray picture of the invisibility of inflammation in the lung picture than that of sputum examination found the germs . Treatment for pneumonia or pneumonia depends on the kinds of causes and because it is generally caused by bacteria, antibiotics are given according to the germs that cause.
On children under 2 months of age, marked intensification of severe pneumonia breathing frequency. Can be 60 times or more breaths per minute, with a strong withdrawal of the chest wall into the bottom.
Another symptom is a decrease in body weight, often fever, shortness or sweating, decreased appetite, often shortness of breath,.sign of pneumonia can also be characterized by sore throat (laryngitis); Consequently voice turned hoarse from around the vocal cords are a lot of slime . Through the chest X-ray examination, we know there are problems in the lungs. Clinical signs are usually spots that can be found in the lungs. However, clinical signs are not sufficient because tuberculosis was characterized by the ini.Karena spots, investigations such as blood tests, sputum, as well as the symptoms are very important for determining these spots sign of tuberculosis or pneumonia.
Initial treatment for pneumonia is usually in the form of antibiotics. If the cause is bacterial, mikroplasma, and rickettsia, these antibiotics are usually quite potent. For pneumonia caused by a virus, until now there has been no specific guidelines, although some antiviral drugs have digunakan.Selain antibiotics, patients will also receive additional therapy in the form of regulation of food and oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Long break is necessary to restore the body.
The type and severity of the disease is caused by several factors, including age, type of kelemin, season, and population density. In children, the infection is more often about boys than girls. Infection attacks peak between the ages of 2 and 3 years and thereafter will decrease little by sedikit.Beberapa cases of pneumonia not caused by infection with microorganisms. It could also be due to aspiration of food or stomach acid, foreign bodies, hydrocarbons, lipoid material, hypersensitivity reactions of the respiratory tract, caused by drugs, radiation, and environmental conditions.
To reduce risk of pneumonia need some strategic measures such as:
* Maintain cleanliness of the neighborhood.
* Ensuring good air circulation.
* Avoid smoking and cough.
* Eat a balanced diet
* Perform immunization, especially for children. Hb vaccine has been widely used to ward off pneumonia, in addition to meningitis. This vaccine to ward off attacks Haemophyllus influenzae type B bacteria which can cause both types of the disease.
In medicine, the term unknown pneumonia. The adapneumonia, which is an infection that causes inflamed lungs. Air pockets in the lungs (alveoli) filled with pus and fluid, so the ability to absorb oxygen berkurang.penyakit is caused by about 30 different sources of infection. However, the main cause is bacterial, viral, mikroplasma, mushrooms, various chemical compounds, and partikel.Meski cases of pneumonia caused by bacteria is not too much, this type of infection tends to cause more severe than those caused by nonbakteri. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV respiratory viruses or syncitial), painfluenzae, influenzae, and adenovirus are the most frequent cause of pneumonia.
Wet lung disease or pneumonia or acute pneumonia and can be fatal if left unchecked. Pneumonia can also occur due to aspiration of gastric contents, water or other irritation.
Generally lower respiratory tract viral infections take place during the winter or rainy. And RSV is the most common cause of pneumonia, especially in infants.
Pneumonia arises because inhaled germs nose and mouth. When the environment around there are people or children who are infected, the risk of acquiring very large, especially when the immune system are not baik.Gara-fulfilling because of pus and fluid lungs, oxygen was reduced in cells to the body and can not work. As a result, in addition to the spread of infection throughout the body, the patient can die.
Symptoms often occur in pneumonia are:
Cough is initially dry and sore, but then produces sputum (phlegm) thick mixed with pneumonia darah.Diagnosis apart from signs and symptoms can also be through a chest x-ray picture of the invisibility of inflammation in the lung picture than that of sputum examination found the germs . Treatment for pneumonia or pneumonia depends on the kinds of causes and because it is generally caused by bacteria, antibiotics are given according to the germs that cause.
On children under 2 months of age, marked intensification of severe pneumonia breathing frequency. Can be 60 times or more breaths per minute, with a strong withdrawal of the chest wall into the bottom.
Another symptom is a decrease in body weight, often fever, shortness or sweating, decreased appetite, often shortness of breath,.sign of pneumonia can also be characterized by sore throat (laryngitis); Consequently voice turned hoarse from around the vocal cords are a lot of slime . Through the chest X-ray examination, we know there are problems in the lungs. Clinical signs are usually spots that can be found in the lungs. However, clinical signs are not sufficient because tuberculosis was characterized by the ini.Karena spots, investigations such as blood tests, sputum, as well as the symptoms are very important for determining these spots sign of tuberculosis or pneumonia.
Initial treatment for pneumonia is usually in the form of antibiotics. If the cause is bacterial, mikroplasma, and rickettsia, these antibiotics are usually quite potent. For pneumonia caused by a virus, until now there has been no specific guidelines, although some antiviral drugs have digunakan.Selain antibiotics, patients will also receive additional therapy in the form of regulation of food and oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Long break is necessary to restore the body.
The type and severity of the disease is caused by several factors, including age, type of kelemin, season, and population density. In children, the infection is more often about boys than girls. Infection attacks peak between the ages of 2 and 3 years and thereafter will decrease little by sedikit.Beberapa cases of pneumonia not caused by infection with microorganisms. It could also be due to aspiration of food or stomach acid, foreign bodies, hydrocarbons, lipoid material, hypersensitivity reactions of the respiratory tract, caused by drugs, radiation, and environmental conditions.
To reduce risk of pneumonia need some strategic measures such as:
* Maintain cleanliness of the neighborhood.
* Ensuring good air circulation.
* Avoid smoking and cough.
* Eat a balanced diet
* Perform immunization, especially for children. Hb vaccine has been widely used to ward off pneumonia, in addition to meningitis. This vaccine to ward off attacks Haemophyllus influenzae type B bacteria which can cause both types of the disease.
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