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Advantages of Water melon

Advantages of Water melon - Watermelon is one of the fruits that contain lots of fiber, and Nitric oxide. Nitric oxide serves to reduce high blood pressure, and a compound whose production is enhanced by Viagra to prevent erectile dysfunction. Arginine while useful to improve insulin sensitivity obese type 2 diabetic patients with insulin resistance. Some of the benefits of watermelon fruit is very good for health behind a fresh taste. 

Watermelon fruit contains:

     Protein 0.9 grams.
     11.6 grams of carbohydrates.
     Vitamin A 876 IU.
     Vitamin C 12.5 milligrams.
     Calcium (Ca) 10.8 milligrams.
     Magnesium (Mg) 15.4 milligrams.
     Phosphorus (P) 16.9 milligrams.
Efficacy Watermelon Fruit

Besides can be used to smooth the skin and remove the black spots on the face. The bark contains chlorophyll, which is good for glands and blood. Even to cure or reduce various diseases, including:

Generating Male Libido
Lycopene in watermelon kasiat also donated specifically for married men. This fruit can help improve fertility and male sexual arousal. Believe it or not, studies have shown that compounds in watermelon sitrulin, has the same effect afrosidiak good as viagra, but with no side effects.
nice watermelon because the fruit is free of fat and have unlimited combination of sugar and water content abundant. Moreover, the fruit of this one are quickly filling in the stomach.

Lower cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure and stroke
Watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Water content, high magnesium and potassium which can neutralize and reduce blood pressure. In addition to the presence of carotenoids in it also may prevent hardening of the arterial walls and veins, so it can help reduce blood pressure.

Strengthen Heart Work
Watermelon also strengthen the heart, prevent heart attacks and resist. Lypocene and abundant carotenoid found in watermelon, improving cardiac function.

Prevent Early Aging
Antioxidants including beta-carotene and vitamin C helps the body's cells remain healthy. Beta carotene, anti-oxidants known very well also keeps you young at heart and prevent premature aging. Lycopene is useful to create a glowing face, looking fresh and younger. For the elderly, watermelon not only help restore the health problems more quickly, but also helps improve mental ability and memory acuity

Kidney cleanse
Because it contains a lot of potassium, which is very helpful in cleansing the toxins in the kidneys. In addition, the fruit is also very helpful in reducing the amount of uric acid concentration in the blood, thus reducing the possibility of kidney damage and kidney stone formation.

Treating Type 2 Diabetes
People with diabetes should have a diet low in sugar. Watermelon can be one alternative sugar substitute because it tastes sweet but low in sugar content. In addition, a variety of vitamins and minerals in it helps the proper functioning of insulin compounds in the body, thus lowering blood sugar levels atmospheres.
A high content of arginine in watermelon can help treat type 2 diabetes (because of life style). Studies have found arginine can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, both of which help reduce high glucose levels associated with diabetes and

Improve Eye Health. Macular degeneration
Eating watermelon on a regular basis can keep you from night blindness. This is because watermelon is rich in vitamin A and beta carotene that maximize eye health
The existence of beta-carotene, vitamin-C, Lutein and Zeaxanthin in this fruit as a means of protection will keep the eyes from age-related macular degeneration (Age Related Macular degeneration or ARMD), the leading cause of vision loss in elderly people. These compounds. And also anti-oxidants contained therein will protect the eyes from other diseases such as drying up of eyes and optical nerves, glaucoma, etc..
Prevent Cancer
Lypocene were found to be highly effective in preventing cancer because it is able to repair and regenerate damaged tissues.

One component of lycopene carotenoids like beta-carotene. But if comparised with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E, lycopene forces in the fight against free radicals is much more potent. Free radicals are going out of control, either because of the chaotic eating patterns, pollution or negative thoughts, decreased immune. As a result of various diseases and skin tubuhpun become dry, dull, and sagging. With lycopene contained in watermelon, free radicals can instantly paralyzed!

Lycopene is able to crush the seeds of cancer. Eat a lot of watermelon, even every day was no problem, it can shrink the risk of cervical cancer and pancreatic cancer in women. Against gastrointestinal cancers, lycopene watermelon unable to stop until the risk is reduced by half, such as oral cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer. Similarly with prostate cancer. Watermelon also contains phytonutrients that have good benefits for maintaining healthy functioning of internal organs, eyes, secretion system, etc..


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