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Benefit of Pears

Benefit of Pears - Pears are one of the fruits that fall into the Pyrus family, which is a plant that is easy to grow in many parts of the world, such as Western Europe, North Africa to Asia. But who would have thought that the benefits of pears is very good for the health of our bodies.

Lots of nutrition and nutritional fruit behind brownish yellow and have brown spots this. There are many ways to eat pears, either consumed directly or in the form of juice.

Some of the benefits of pears, such us:

   * Can soothe digestion. Fiber and pectin in pears can help stop diarrhea and tannins that can soothe an irritated digestive tract.

    *Make staying hydrated. Pear fruits are rich in water so as to ensure adequate intake of fluids in the body

    *Can lower cholesterol. At this pear has a high pectin content (which is higher than the apple). This is what makes it effective for reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Perktin absorb fat in the intestine before they are absorbed through the blood stream.

    *Can boost immunity. Pear fruit contains many vitamins, such as vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, C, K, calcium, magnesium, copper, minerals and potassium. So the fruit is very good for maintaining the immune system.

    *Hypoallergenic fruit. That is the fruit that does not have side effects for people with certain allergies.

    *Can prevent cancer. This pear maksunya hydroxycinnamic acid which can prevent lung cancer and stomach cancer.

    *Can fight Alzheimer's. In a recent study from Cornell University, that the pear skins contain quercetin antioxidant that can fight Alzheimer's disease. So if you have the disease can be treated by eating a pear with the skin included.

    *Can help prevent osteoporosis. Pear contains boron which the body needs to maintain calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

For pear properties include: controlling blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, prevent cancer, reduce heat fever, sore throat, can prevent intestinal health, can prevent beriberi disease, can facilitate large pieces of water, can remove toxins contained in the body, can maintain healthy skin and eyes, and can prevent the canker sores.

In addition to these properties, pears still have many more properties. As well as assist in the diet, especially for women. Pears is also very good for relieving headaches, asthma, colds, and allergies.

Thus this article about the benefits of pears and a few properties, hopefully can increase our knowledge about the benefits of fruits that are around us, and can benefit those who read it.


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