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Want to Avoid from Cancer and Osteoarthritis? Expand to Eat Broccoli

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Want to Avoid from Cancer and Osteoarthritis? Expand to Eat Broccoli - Broccoli and other vegetables in the Brassicaceae family such as cabbage , cauliflower , cabbage , bok choy is rich in various minerals and essential vitamins . In addition , they also have long been recognized as an anticancer vegetables . A review study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association October 1996 edition shows that 70 % or more studies found an association between these vegetables with protection against cancer . Various elements in vegetables is associated with a lower risk of cancer , some of which can stop the growth of cancer cells in breast , uterine lining ( endometrium ) , lung , colon , liver , prostate and cervix .

Laboratory studies show that one of the phytochemicals found in vegetables it is sulforaphane , which can stimulate enzymes that neutralize carcinogens before they can damage cells .

Recent research in the UK shows that sulfarophane may also help overcome osteoarthritis by blocking certain enzymes associated with cell damage and degeneration of the joint cartilage . A study led by Ian Clark , professor of musculoskeletal biology at the University of East Anglia in Norwich , showed that mice fed a diet rich in sulforaphane less cartilage damage and osteoarthritis compared with rats with diet does not contain the compound . The results were published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism 28 Aug. 2013 edition .

Future studies will be conducted in humans with osteoarthritis trial on 40 patients who will undergo joint replacement surgery . During the two weeks before surgery , half of them will be eating " super broccoli " developed specifically so that high levels of sulforaphane . After surgery , the team will compare patients who take " super broccoli " with those who do not to see if the compound can be detected in joints replaced , and how he changed the metabolism of the joints . They hope the results will be able to attract funding for a larger trial of the effects of broccoli consumption in osteoarthritis and joint function .

Well , if you want to avoid cancer and osteoarthritis , it seems now need to immediately begin increasing their intake of broccoli , cabbage , cauliflower and the like in your diet . The vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly steamed to retain the phytochemicals contained in it .

Overweight ( obesity )

Overweight ( obesity ) - Overweight ( obesity ) is an unpleasant thing , especially for women , whether married or unmarried . And if the light of cosmetics , it is overweight is not ideal , perhaps because at the time the model is famous for its slender body , so fortunately for those who have a slim body size . But what about for those who have body fat? They will be nervous and try to reduce obesity in any way , whether it is justified in terms of health or not , for they are not important , what is important is to reduce the size of the body that is not ideal for the present .
As an illustration of a female friend who has a fat body size , in which he sought to reduce his size by taking slimming drugs . After talking to him further it transpired that the drug is " amphetamine " . This drug is classified in stimulantia can have the effect of suppressing appetite so it can be used for the purpose of reducing weight by eliminating the appetite, so long the weight will drop . In addition, amphetamine is also used for treatment for patients with depression ( as an anti- depressant medication ) to stimulate the central nervous way , as a kind of epilepsy drugs petitmal , parkinsonism , and treatment intoxicaso drugs that suppress the central nervous system .

As an anti- obesity effect of amphetamine is actually just a side effect , and not the purpose of the use of the drug . If we observe more of this drug , it is not like what we want , because this drug has addictive nature , which means that to obtain the same effect we had to increase the dosage of the drug according to the effect that we want . example :

for example, on the first Sunday we simply use one tablet per day amphetamine , but the following weeks we will be using higher doses , such as 2-3 tablets per day . So after a long time we did not feel that our bodies have been addicted to amphetamine , which is actually more severe than the consequences of narcotics addiction . It does not expect, because amphetamine narcotic and does not aim to drink instead of amphetamine addiction , but simply to lose weight .

This unexpected things happen in a lot of people so that they become drug dependent patients , be amphetamine . Being a female friend of his had gained amphetamine , which used body fat as well , but due to amphetamine obesity be reduced , so that a female friend had been drinking amphetamine bandwagon without knowing what the consequences are quite harmful to the body .

DANGER of amphetamine!
With low dose : patients feel healthy and fit , both physically and mentally , passion rose , increasing self-confidence and feelings of the heart so happy .

With high doses : stimulatory effects arise quickly and reach a state of great kicks , high and flash a state exite , strength and energy . Patients felt himself the greatest, highest , feel strong and capable of anything .
At the time of the drug's effect begins to decrease patient is very restless , irritable , creating various illusions and hallucinations as well as a variety of delusions , he felt threatened , chased , and at this point he may :

- Hurting yourself, damage the environment , to commit suicide , or even kill others or other criminal activity .

- He will try again to get the drug each time felt that there was a decrease in drug effect "run " that can last for days .

- Or he will even use morphine to relieve a variety of delusions that it is awkward that he caught in the trap of " double drug dependence " , so once he would be amphetaminis and morphonis .

By other scholars ( in popular psychology magazine " you " , 1984) argued that the high doses of amphetamines can damage brain cells , and can damage the relationship between centrum centrum - disintegration that occurs in people with personality that will result in a drug psychosis .

First of all you should be aware of the fat body and surrender to God that our hearts calm and peaceful , because there is always a fat body is not healthy . Do not ever use as a weight loss medication unless directed by a physician . Then watch the live balance between regular and adequate food , work and adequate rest and regular exercise . Because obesity is caused principally due to an imbalance between calories in and calories out so that when caloric intake is too large but calories out slightly so the body will be a fat thumb . Good diet and exercise help us in the effort to lose weight and at the same time will add vitality .
So , to keep your body maintain the ideal is to maintain a balance between diet , work , rest , and exercise as well .

Caffeinated beverages Inhibit Brain Development

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Caffeinated beverages Inhibit Brain Development - Many teenagers who love the energy drinks that contain caffeine . Ads energy drinks and coffee also seemed to target the youth as their target market . Research in Europe shows that the average caffeine consumption by children and adolescents has increased more than 70 percent in the last 30 years . Highest growth was recorded in the industrial segment of caffeinated energy drinks . This raises the question of whether caffeine consumption by children and adolescents is actually safe ?

Research conducted by the University Children's Hospital Zurich have shown that caffeine can hinder brain development in children and adolescents , but new evidence is found in animal experiments .

Studies in rats
The research team led by Reto Huber gave a moderate dose of caffeine for 5 days to a couple of adolescent rats aged 30 days . The dose equivalent to 3-4 cups of coffee per day in humans . Number of rats in the control group received only fresh water . Then , the brain waves in the animals studied .

Young rats given caffeine are less likely to sleep so that they obstructed the process of brain maturation . Lack of sleep is characterized by a slow their brain waves until a week after the last caffeine administration . In addition, the neural connections in the brains of rats was much higher than in the brains of rats that received only fresh water . It shows that they are experiencing slower maturation . They look much more silent , shy and cautious , while the rats that were given fresh water is more active and show curiosity - general features in the mice that had grown .

"The brain is very plastic kids because a lot of connections , " said Reto Huber , lead author of the study. In a process called synaptic pruning ( synaptic pruning ) , these connections will eventually disappear or consolidated during puberty . Connections between the brain's nerve extended , shortened , cut and summarized so that the brain tissue becomes more efficient and more powerful . This optimization process may occur during deep sleep .

Although there is clearly a difference between the brain of rat and human brain , the researchers say that both neurodevelopmental and that further research in humans is needed .

The importance of getting enough sleep
Experts have long advised teens to sleep at least nine hours every day . Lack of sleep can restrict the ability of youth to concentrate , learn, remember , and make them irritable or tend to eat unhealthy . Of this research note that lack of sleep may also inhibit brain maturation in adolescents .

What is Alprazolam?

What is Alprazolam? - DRUG sedative consumed with alcohol cited as the cause of death of Whitney Houston . Sedative that should serve as a sedative even dangerous when misused .
Death of legendary singer Whitney Houston recently , instantly making the world even more commotion loyal fans of Afro - American women 's . Singer of the song " I Will Always Love You " was found dead in the bathroom Beverly Hilton Hotel , California , USA , where he was staying . Diva ever won 6 awards Grammyini died because of drinking sedative called Xanax . In the news , the name Whitney lately indeed mentioned because their dependence on drugs.
Whitney 's death is considered ironic because the convening announcement came a day before the awards and the prestigious international music industry , Grammy Awardske - 54 , which also had catapulted him . Previously, it was rumored that Whitney died of drowning in a bathtub . However , while the test case is insists there is no water in his lungs . As such , he's dead first before lying in the bathtub .
As a result , the Newark -born woman allegedly died from mixing Xanax and alcohol . Xanax is a trademark for a benzodiazepine class of drugs called generic Alprazolam . Alprazolam is a drug most widely prescribed anty panic in the world , and most often misused .
" This drug is the main indication for panic anxiety disorder , especially during a panic attack. In practice , many doctors prescribe is not just for anxiety - panic disorder , as well as the treatment of other anxiety conditions and insomnia , " said Dr. Andrew SpKJ , Psychosomatic Clinic psychiatrist from OMNI Hospital Alam Sutera .
Xanax is listed as the best-selling drug prescribed anticemas in the world . However , the combination of Xanax and alcohol can be fatal .
" When taken together , the effect can be many orders of magnitude of the expected effects of the truth, " said Dr. Marvin Seppala , chief medical officer at Hazelden , a treatment center for alcohol and drug dependent patients , reported from .
Alprazolam and alcohol , both of which have the same properties as a depressant for the nervous system of the brain . These substances have the effect of slowing down the nervous system of the brain that makes the mind and body become more calm . Alprazolam who work in the system Butiric Glutamate Amino Acid ( GABA ) has a sedative properties , meaning properties of this drug to calm . Same with alcohol is soothing .
" When the drug is taken with alcohol anticemas , the effects of the drug become so intense that could cause drunk , even risky suppress the respiratory system in the brain .
Both of these substances can slow the heart rate , difficulty breathing , and eventually can cause death to a drug overdose , "said Marvin .
So , both of these substances is never recommended to be taken together . In fact , according to Andrew , a person who is under treatment with the drug alprazolam therapy is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment , although not at the same time drinking .
According to the New Yokr Times , Alprazolam including the 8 most drugs prescribed in the United States in the last 2 years ." Anty panic drug is often used to overcome fears or other forms of anxiety , but it is often misused and potentially addictive , " said Marvin .
Marvin from experience , most patients who come to the rehabilitation center is divided into two groups . There are groups that are not dependency tranquilizers , but are difficult to be separated from the use of such drugs . Another group has a habit of mixing tranquilizers with alcohol , opium , and marijuana , making it difficult to escape from dependence . The longer consumed Xanax and similar drugs , it is increasingly becoming ineffective . People who break these substances will have an uneasy feeling , headache , insomnia , depression , and increasingly restless .
Some studies also say that the use of benzodiazepines , including alprazolam , in large doses or doses multiplied because of interactions with other drugs will make even greater potential to suppress the respiratory system in the brain .
If you look at the history of emphysema disease suffered by Whitney , alcohol use conditions alprazolam and make breathing increasingly depressed so dangerous condition . Especially with a history of lung problems such . Whitney 's death adds to the long list of celebrities who have died from drug abuse . Michael Jackson who died in 2009, also died because of drug use pain relievers , such as Demerol which has effects similar to morphine that works on the central nervous system .
Aside from being a pain reliever , Demerol also provide sedation . The Zoloft is indicated for treatment in patients with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder . The death of Marilyn Monroe is also due to an overdose of sleeping pills .

Autoimmune Diseases: When the Immune System Confusion

 Diseases: When the Immune System Confusion - Feeling tired for no reason , sudden blurred vision or tingling fingers may be a symptom of a moment that is not harmful , but it can also be an early sign of a serious disease that is difficult to cure , which is an autoimmune disease .
Is an autoimmune disease ?

Autoimmune diseases are diseases that are not caused by bacteria but by viruses or errors in your immune system . Instead of attacking harmful bacteria , the immune system actually attacks the tissues of your body blindly , to " backfire " . This is because the system can not distinguish foreign cells by the body's own cells . The result is a severe inflammatory reaction . Almost any organ or tissue can be damaged , from nerves , brain , eyes , heart , joints , until the muscles throughout the body . Crohn's disease , lupus , rheumatoid arthritis ( arthritis ) , multiple sclerosis ( MS ) and type 1 diabetes are examples of the most well-known autoimmune diseases .
Why the immune system attacks the body's own cells ?

The immune system works in two steps , ie distinguish foreign cells by the body's own cells and take action against foreign cells . If the first step goes wrong , then there are two possibilities . First , the immune system is suppressed and the body no longer recognize foreign pathogens . This is the case where the AIDS weakens the immune system . Second , the immune system is not muted so attacking the body's own cells and foreign cells without exception . This is the case in autoimmune diseases . Your immune system to be completely out of control .

Although he has done a lot of intensive research , the experts have not managed to find out the exact cause of autoimmune disease . However , note that there are a number of risk factors that play a role . In addition to genetic predisposition , infections and environmental factors also play an important role as triggers of autoimmune diseases .

    Genetic . Autoimmune diseases tend to be inherited in families . In a study of twins is known that if one identical twin suffers from an autoimmune disease , twin probability 30-50 percent also suffer from the same disease . But not 100 percent , which means that the gene is not solely responsible for the onset of disease . Often , patients can compensate for genetic defects and her normal life without autoimmune disease .
    Infection . Fragile immune system which can be damaged by trigger factors such as viral infections . This may occur due to genetic weakness causes the immune system can not cope with certain viruses . They have difficulty distinguishing viral proteins with the protein body and attack them , as soldiers who can not distinguish between enemy forces and the people that fired them . Epstein - Barr virus is suspected to be a trigger multiple sclerosis . Another trigger is the Coxsackie virus , which is also thought to trigger type 1 diabetes .
    Environment and food . Compared to our ancestors , we are far more exposed to different chemicals that overwhelm the immune system . When the immune cells in the intestines of any sort of substances that we eat is dangerous and is not , the possibility of error increases . Autoimmune diseases can occur through reaction to a substance that makes confusion , whether hazardous or not . Rotavirus is very similar to molecules specific photoreceptors in the eye . This confusion is thought to cause uveitis , which in turn can damage eyesight .