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What is Anorexia?

What is Anorexia? - Anorexia nervosa is an illness that usually occurs in young women, but can also occur in young men and also in adult men and women. People with anorexia, they are obsessed with being thin. They're trying to lose a lot of weight and fear they will increase their weight. Nominally believe that they themselves are fat even though they are very thin indeed. Anorexia is not just a problem with food or weight. Anorexia is an attempt to use food and weight to resolve issues relating to emotional.
Differences in anorexia and bulimia
People with anorexia force themselves to suffer from hunger, avoid high-calorie foods, and exercising constant or fixed.

People with bulimia eat huge amounts, but they immediately regurgitate their food immediately after eating, or taking laxatives or diuretics (drugs that facilitate the urine of people who consume them will urinate frequently) to keep the weight they do not gain weight. People with bulimia do not usually lose as much weight in patients with anorexia.

Why do people suffer from anorexia?
It is unknown why some people develop anorexia. People with anorexia may believe that they will be happier and more success they achieve if they became emaciated. They want perfection in all things or aspects of their lives. People who experience this disorder usually is a good student. They are involved in various activities in the community and schools. Sediri they blame themselves if they do not get a perfect score, or if other things in her life is not perfect.

What causes Anorexia?
That cultural pressure to look slim and beautiful body.
Psychological problems such as lack of confidence, failure, depression, the need to control, physical or sexual abuse, etc..
Family environment such as squabbles between family members, irregularity in cooking or serving food, etc..
Genetic factors.
Early life transitions such as adolescence, broken love, failure in school or at work, the death of significant others, etc..

the problems that arise due to anorexia
In women with anorexia usually stop having menstrual periods. People with anorexia have dry skin and scalp hair yangn not dense / sparse because of a loss. Merka hair growth may be normal in all parts of the body. They may feel cold all the time (sensitive to cold temperatures) and they may be sick more often. People with anorexia often feel the bad feeling (bad mood). They have a hard time concentrating and are always thinking about food.

It is not true that anorexics are never hungry. Actually, they always feel hungry. Feeling hunger gives them a feeling of control over the body and life. It made them feel like a feel good at something-they are good for weight loss. People with severe anorexia may be at greater risk of death due to starvation.

Warning signs of anorexia
* Deliberately forcing yourself to hungry to lose weight.
* Fear of weight when they get older.
* Refusing to eat.
* Deny if they are hungry.
* Over Exercise .
* The number of hairs on the body or more faces.
* Sensitive to weather / cold temperatures.
* Not having menstrual periods / absent.
* Loss or hair loss on the head.
* The perception or perception of self * who think they are fat when in fact themselves too thin.
* Do not want to maintain your weight at a normal level or slightly above normal
* Fear that the weight will go up
* Assumes ideal weight already
* Not menstruate.

The most common way to treat anorexia

Working with the idea that food and food-based treatments. One ofthe main goals is to know exactly what your relationship is to eat, and the doctor will ask you to carefully consider how you feel about food, even on a diet to keep your registry.

♥ Another type of therapy will change the use of rewards and sanctions in the habit of self-starvation. After the doctor's recommendations will be rewarded with a low price.
♥ Another type of therapy the patient is placed in a social life, her feelings for analysis factors result loss of appetite, there is something that causes self-esteem, which then anorexia.

Natural treatment
♥ 2-3 Consumption of fresh citrus fruit, one of which is consumed after lunch.
♥ Take 1 cup of water and boil 2-3 cloves of garlic in it. Strain and add lemon extract and consume twice daily for 7 days.
♥ Apples could help stimulate the flow of pepsin, an enzyme of protein digestion in the stomach.
♥ Boil 3-4 cloves of garlic in a glass of water. Then add extract 1/2 lemon and drink twice a day.
♥  5 grm ginger and rock salt lick along with once a day.
♥ Herbs such as chamomile, marjoram, hawthorn, myrrh, gentian, wormwood, hops, sage, thyme, lavender, tarragon, yarrow, and centaury very effective to treat anorexia.
♥ Horseradish also stimulating appetite, so good for treating anorexia.


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